
What am I looking for?
Did I actually lose something?
Did I lose an item or object?
Did I lose my faith or strength?
Knowledge or power?

I cannot seem to find it
Frustrated I keep looking for it
I try to put my thought, feelings and actions together

Thinking about it makes me crazy
I cannot seem to find an understanding of what I am looking for
How did I lose it?
When did I lose it?
What is it that I am looking for?
Nothing can reflect on the thing that I've been missing.

I suddenly feel something
Something that I haven't felt before
It hurts...
It makes me feel uncomfortable
The feeling isn't something I felt before
It's unknown, a little uncomfortable but different

This time I try to put my senses back together
Because I have a strong sense of what it is that I have lost
I start to realize what it could be or might have been that I lost
Looking back and thinking about it strengths that uncomfortable and unknown feeling.

Looking back hurts, thinking about it makes it even worse
But this is good. For myself, my path, my thoughts
Looking at what I have lost is not coming back and it hurts
I will not have the opportunity to get it back

But what I've lost doesn't define who I am
It doesn't reflect on the potential that I have
Lost in sorrow

But it will be found better than the part that is gone...

Lost and found myself